Sunday, June 13, 2010

Panties in a Wad Syndrome: PIAW

I wish there were the right semantics to include men in this syndrome because they are plagued with the same dis-ease. Maybe they have BIAW: Briefs in a Wad. the syndrome can be activated from things like Nashville end-of-the-workday traffic, grocery store lines, soggy newspapers, lost keys, corporate phone lines, etc. In other words, any of life's daily glitches can set off PIAW syndrome.
The mental affect can be feelings of frustration, anger, helplessness, and general dis-ease. Physically, these triggers can set off an entire chain reaction: blood pressure rises, the adrenals begin dumping adrenaline, the brain is signaled to dump serotonin, norepinephrine, and any other stress chemicals it can find, not to speak of the mental angst and possible whininess. Spiritually the dis-ease is manifested in discontent, lack of peace, ingratitude, and that I-am-not-God feeling. You know that one: "Why can't the world work according to MY timetable, My needs and wants?"
Treatment for PIAW or BIAW syndrome includes 1) surrender upon awakening. This means resigning immediately from the God position and putting God back in charge of the universe. 2) become a student of the Serenity Prayer. Keep it on index cards in strategic places and keep working it into your soul like yeast. 3) Live as much as possible in the big picture: The bigger the picture, the smaller the "small stuff". 4) Accept the reality of humanity, accent on accept.
You will then live in the reality of the fallen world of frailty, flaws, brokenness, sometimes just full- on failure. 5) Develop practices around mercy, patience, and gratitude. Make a habit of talking about what is right and good. Thank people face to face or in written notes. 6) Say prayers of thanksgiving to God for holding the universe together, for principles as simple as gravity that holds your feet to the earth, air to breathe every time your lungs require it, water that comes directly through the pipes to your sink, sheets on the bed, forks, invention of the wheel, discovery of amazing medications, especially chemotherapy! Well, you get the idea.
So the next time you suffer from PIAW/BIAW , just un-wad, take a deep breath, choose a new perspective and readjust. Your body, your mind, your spirit, and those around you, will thank you for it.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardship as the pathway to peace. Taking as He did this sinful world as it is, not as I would
have it. Trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to His will; that I may be
reasonably happy in life, and supremely happy with Him in the next. AMEN

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