I have chosen this season to do an advent reading each night before going to bed to support my mind to keep this priority. But actually, that is my challenge every day: to remember why I am here and what it is all about. Like a sheep, I am drawn to the next little patch of grass, forgetting for the moment that I was on a journey foll0wing the Good Shepherd .
I pray that as the manger scene takes place in my heart day after day, as Christ is born afresh, that He will not be aborted in my heart, nor that He will be stillborn, but that He will be birthed and made known through my life. My favorite passage for Christmas is Galatians 4:19: Paul laboring in birth "until Christ is formed in you". Making room in our "inn", clearing a space, for the formation of Christ, must be a conscious, daily, intentional choice. So let it be.